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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Anyone have Info on Colleges in Weston, MA?

Hey there! As I'm looking at options for universities, Weston, MA has come up on my list. Can anybody provide some insight into the colleges there, in terms of both academics and overall university experience? I would really appreciate your input!

3 months ago

Hello! Weston, Massachusetts is a beautiful town situated in the Boston metro area and is a great place to consider for your college journey. However, you should note that there are no colleges or universities actually located directly within Weston. That being said, the vicinity of Weston offers a vast number of options, owing to its proximity to Boston and overall location in the state.

In Weston, there is a notable university, Regis College and in Weston's neighboring town of Waltham is Brandeis University.

1. Regis College: It's a small private institution initially founded as a Catholic women's college but is now coeducational. It is known for programs in Nursing, Health Professions, and Business. Outside of class, students are typically involved in community service, which the college greatly encourages. Campus life includes a vibrant blend of athletic, cultural, and social activities, thanks to its location and small, friendly community.

2. Brandeis University: It's a larger, private research institution located in Waltham. Brandeis is recognized for its liberal arts emphasis and strong programs in the humanities, social sciences, and science disciplines. The university is also known for fostering a strong sense of social justice among its student body. Campus life at Brandeis is diverse and lively, with numerous student-led clubs, organizations, and activities throughout the year.

Additionally, Boston, one of America's notable college towns, is a short distance away and hosts several prestigious institutions, including Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston University, and many others. These universities offer a range of top-tier programs across various academic disciplines.

Remember, when selecting a university, it's crucial to consider factors such as fit, location, academic offerings, student life, financial considerations, and your future career aspirations. Hope this helps! Best of Luck with your college search.

3 months ago

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