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Dreaming of Automotive Engineering?

I'm really interested in automotive engineering for my major. Does anybody know of any colleges that offer strong programs in this field? It's rarer than I thought it would be.

3 months ago

Absolutely, while not as common as some other engineering disciplines, there are several colleges known for their strong Automotive Engineering programs.

- The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, offers a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on automotive engineering, as well as a renowned graduate program specifically in Automotive Engineering.

- Kettering University in Flint, Michigan, is also well-known for its strong cooperative education program where students alternate between classroom study and full-time, paid work assignments in the automotive industry.

- Clemson University in South Carolina, operates the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR). They offer an Automotive Engineering program that focuses on a systems-integrated approach.

These are just a few examples. Notably, all of these programs take a multidisciplinary approach, combining mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering to prepare students for future automotive industry needs.

The key is to investigate the curriculum at potential schools, see if they offer cooperative or internship programs with automotive companies, and if possible, speak to faculty or recent graduates to get a feel for the program's focus and connections in the industry.

3 months ago

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