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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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In Search of Tulsa's Colleges!

HI! I'm currently a junior interested in potentially local colleges around Tulsa, OK. Can you guys help me out with some solid choices? What are their academic programs like, and how's the campus life there?

3 months ago

Sure, glad to help out! Tulsa, Oklahoma is home to a number of great institutions with a range of academic programs and vibrant campus life.

First up is the University of Tulsa. A private institution, the University of Tulsa offers strong programs in a variety of areas, particularly in engineering, natural sciences, and the health sciences. It's also home to Oxley College of Health Sciences, which is known for its nursing and health sciences programs. The campus is known for its comparatively small student-to-faculty ratio, which promotes an intimate learning environment. The university also has a vibrant campus culture with more than 160 student organizations and Division I sports teams to root for.

Next, there's Oral Roberts University, another private institution that brings a unique faith-based perspective through its academic programs, emphasizing "whole-person education." They offer a wide range of majors from Business, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Theology and Ministry, to Global Environmental Sustainability. ORU also offers robust theatre and music departments. Student life at ORU is heavily influenced by the institution's Christian values, and it provides numerous opportunities for worship, mission trips, and community service alongside typical student organizations and athletics.

Finally, let's look at Tulsa Community College. If you're interested in a 2-year program or looking to transfer to a 4-year institution later, this might be a good option. TCC offers a variety of academic programs, and is particularly known for its aviation sciences program. In terms of campus life, TCC hosts numerous student organizations, fine arts events, and often has community engagement opportunities.

Remember, when choosing a college, you should consider not just the academic programs but also what kind of campus life and community you're looking for. What's best for you will depend on your own personal and academic needs!

3 months ago

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