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New Mexico State University in Las Cruces - Should I apply?

Hey guys, I've been looking at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces lately but I haven't had much chance to visit the campus. Anyone here who's attended or knows someone who did? Looking to get insights on campus life, student resources, academics, and all.

3 months ago

Certainly, from what I have heard about New Mexico State University, it has quite an inviting community atmosphere, coupled with a strong commitment to student success and resources.

In terms of academics, the university has over 90 undergraduate programs, including some unique ones such as Creative Media, Wildlife Sciences, and Aerospace Engineering. They are also known for their strong Agricultural and Business programs.

Their campus life is bustling with activity, inclusive of numerous bands, clubs, sports teams, and intramural sports. The surrounding city of Las Cruces also offers a vibrant local culture with its farmer's markets, festivals, and accessible outdoor adventure opportunities.

New Mexico State University also prioritizes student resources. The university has various support services like the Student Success Center, Writing Center, and Math Success Center, providing academic support to students. Health and wellness resources, including counseling services, are also provided to ensure overall student wellbeing.

Lastly, the university has an emphasis on undergraduate research, internships, and cooperative education. Such initiatives enhance the practical experience of students in their chosen field of study.

Finally, another point to note is the Tuition Guarantee program, where the university keeps the tuition rate constant for four years for incoming undergraduates, which can be beneficial for financial planning.

Still, it might be of value to detail your academic and personal interests more specifically, as it could be beneficial in providing a more detailed insight into whether NMSU aligns with your overall wants and needs for a college experience. I suggest researching individual department websites and reaching out to current students or alumni for a more lived perspective.

3 months ago

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