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Question about Hospital Ships in the Military

I've always been interested in medical and humanitarian work. I heard that some military branches operate hospital ships. Does anyone know which branches these are? This could really influence my decision regarding which branch to join.

3 months ago

The United States Navy operates the U.S. Military's hospital ships. There are currently two in operation: the USNS Comfort and the USNS Mercy. These ships are operated by the Navy's Military Sealift Command, with medical personnel being largely drawn from the Navy's Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

These hospital ships are truly unique facilities. They are essentially floating hospitals, equipped with everything from trauma facilities to X-ray machines to dental services. In addition to serving military members during times of conflict, these ships are often deployed for humanitarian missions, providing medical care in areas affected by natural disasters or where healthcare is generally limited.

Joining the Navy and getting assigned to such a ship could combine your interest in medical and humanitarian work. Do note that assignments are not guaranteed and you'll typically need to be in a medical field to get that assignment, so it would be a good idea to talk to a Navy recruiter about your specific interests and career goals. They could provide more specific guidance!

3 months ago

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