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IT Security Jobs in Military

Hello everyone! I'm really into cybersecurity and I've heard there are opportunities within the military. Does anybody know which military branch has the most IT security jobs?

3 months ago

Absolutely! All branches of the military have cybersecurity roles, but the United States Air Force and the United States Navy tend to have a larger share of these roles due to the nature of their operations.

The Air Force maintains a Cyber Command (AFCYBER) and the Navy has the Fleet Cyber Command. These entities are tasked with various cybersecurity duties including protecting information systems, conducting offensive cyber operations, and assisting in the defense of the nation from cyber threats.

Moreover, the United States Army also employs professionals in cybersecurity and has an entire Cyber Corps dedicated to this domain.

For more specific IT security roles, the newly formed U.S. Space Force, which is a branch of the military under the Department of the Air Force, is heavily focused on technology and would likely have an increasing number of opportunities in the field of cybersecurity.

Remember, whichever branch you choose, military service involves more than just your job, so you’ll want to consider the lifestyle, mission, and values of the branch just as much as the job opportunities.

3 months ago

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