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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Considering Wichita Falls TX College, Need Advice

I'm looking at Wichita Falls, Texas for college, but I'm unfamiliar with the area and schools there. Can any current or former students shed some light on their experiences? What's the college scene there like academically, socially, and in terms of campus life?

5 months ago

When considering college options, it's crucial to weigh your academic, social, and personal needs. It appears that you're specifically interested in Midwestern State University, which is the primary institution in Wichita Falls, Texas.

Starting with academics, Midwestern State University offers approximately 47 undergraduate and several graduate programs across seven colleges. Known for having small class sizes, Midwestern provides a nurturing environment where you can get personalized attention from faculty. It's often praised for its programs in nursing, education, and business fields.

Socially, Midwestern State University maintains a vibrant, diverse campus community with many activities for students. Students can choose from over 100 clubs and student organizations to join, with opportunities as diverse as the Anime Club and the Cycling Club. The city of Wichita Falls also has numerous amenities such as parks, restaurants, and festivals, so there's definitely stuff to do off-campus.

In terms of campus life, living on campus offers convenience and a sense of community. The university has several residence halls that provide different living options, from shared spaces to private bedrooms. You might also be interested to know that Midwestern requires most first-year students to live on campus, which typically helps to aid transition into college life.

The Mustangs also compete in various NCAA Division II athletics, and they have a pretty solid athletics program overall. Being school-spirited and attending games is a big part of the social scene, so if you're into sports, that could be appealing!

Remember, visiting the campus, if you can, is often the best way to get a personal sense for the school's environment, if possible. Don't hesitate to ask more specific questions – the college selection process is an important journey and it's essential that you feel confident and secure in your choice. Please note that everyone's experience varies, so take all feedback with a grain of salt and consider what's most important to you as you make your decision.

5 months ago

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