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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insights on Birmingham-Southern College?

I'm looking at Birmingham-Southern College and I'd like to get some personal insight. What is life on campus like? What activities, clubs, or events stand out? Are there academic benefits you've personally enjoyed.

3 months ago

As a student who is interested in smaller, liberal arts colleges, I think Birmingham-Southern College (BSC) is a great choice. The campus is said to be intimate and close-knit due to its smaller size, which lends a sense of community that students often appreciate.

A real highlight of BSC is the "Exploration Term" that takes place every January. During this term, students have the opportunity to engage in innovative courses, independent studies, internships, or travel experiences. This allows students to immerse themselves in unique learning experiences, and it's something that sets BSC apart.

BSC also has a 10:1 student-teacher ratio, which means smaller classes and a lot of personalized attention from professors. Many students appreciate this level of interaction with their instructors.

As for extracurricular activities, there are more than 80 clubs and organizations at BSC. This includes various service organizations, Greek life, academic clubs, and sports. There's also a vibrant arts scene, with the college home to a Conservatory of Fine and Performing Arts. It hosts numerous performances and exhibitions throughout the year which are quite popular.

BSC’s Panther athletic teams are also a big part of campus life. The school competes in the Division III level of the NCAA and fields 22 varsity teams. Athletic events, therefore, are well-attended and contribute to the school spirit.

While no atmosphere is perfect for everyone, if you're looking for a tight-knit community with a strong liberal arts eduction and plenty opportunities for hands-on learning and participation, BSC could be a great fit.

3 months ago

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