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Finding the Best CSU for Studying Kinesiology

I'm a high school junior keen on pursuing Kinesiology in my undergraduate studies, preferably within the California State University system. Can someone guide me on which CSU is considered the best for Kinesiology? What kind of aspects should I be looking at apart from rankings? Thank you!

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help! When it comes to studying Kinesiology, there are several aspects you might consider beyond a school's rank. One is how well the university's program matches your career interests in kinesiology - whether you're more interested in physical therapy, sports medicine, personal training, or something else. Another important factor is the type of resources that the program offers like internships, study abroad opportunities in sports medicine, research opportunities, etc.

As for the CSU system, a well-regarded institution for kinesiology is California State University, Fullerton. Their Department of Kinesiology is quite comprehensive with multiple emphases such as Exercise Science, Sport Studies, and Strength and Conditioning.

California State University, Long Beach also has a strong program, offering a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with options in Fitness or Sport Psychology and Leadership, among others. CSU, Northridge is another solid pick, with its undergraduate program in Kinesiology focusing on areas like exercise science, athletic training, and applied fitness.

Make sure to personally explore each of these programs to see which aligns best with your career interests. Look into the faculty, curriculum, infrastructure, like labs and research facilities, and talk to current students or alumni if possible. Consider also how each campus would fit your personal preferences in terms of location, size, extracurricular opportunities, etc.

Lastly, bear in mind that admission to these programs can be competitive, and each university may have their own prerequisite coursework, so make sure to check in on those requirements as you put together your application. Good luck selecting the CSU kinesiology program that's a perfect fit for you!

3 months ago

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