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Computer Science in Illinois—Need Recommendations!

Hi everyone! I'm a high school junior looking into majoring in computer science, with a preference for Illinois schools. Which ones have the best programs or overall reputation in this field? Please and thanks!

3 months ago

If you're primarily looking into schools within Illinois, one of the top choices often recommended for Computer Science is usually the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Their program is renowned and has consistently been ranked among the top 5 nationally. The curriculum offers a comprehensive mix of theory and practical experience, with a very successful track record of placing graduates in leading tech companies and academic research positions. They also offer a Joint CS+X programs, which allow students to study computer science in combination with other fields like music, economics, or data science.

Another great school to consider is Northwestern University. Although their computer science program might not be as highly ranked as UIUC, they have a strong program with rigorous instruction and a more interdisciplinary approach. Many students also appreciate the proximity to Chicago and the opportunities that brings with internships and job placements.

Also, don't overlook the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago, especially if you find an urban campus more appealing. Their CS program might not top the charts, but it is solid and well-respected, especially among industry professionals in the Chicago area.

Lastly, you might also want to consider the University of Chicago. It's known more for its rigorous academic culture in general rather than specifically for CS, but it has a strong CS program that emphasizes interdisciplinary connections.

In conclusion, it depends on what you are looking for in a program. If you're focused primarily on national rankings and reputation, UIUC would likely be your top pick. For a more interdisciplinary or possibly urban experience, Northwestern, Chicago or IIT could be appealing choices. It's crucial to take into consideration campus culture, location, and what kind of learning and post-graduation opportunities each program offers. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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