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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Bethune-Cookman Majors

Hi all! So I've been looking into Bethune-Cookman for my undergraduate studies. What majors do they shine in? Also, what's the overall academic atmosphere like at Bethune-Cookman?

3 months ago

Bethune-Cookman University, which is classified as a Historically Black College/University (HBCU), is known for its committed faculty and student involvement in various academic areas. However, it particularly stands out in a few specific fields of study.

Bethune-Cookman University's School of Nursing is well recognized for its rigorous academic program and for producing exceptionally prepared nurses. The university's Business Administration program is also highly regarded, particularly in areas such as management and entrepreneurship.

Their School of Education is another strong field. The graduates from these programs have consistently found roles in influential positions within the education sector.

Additionally, the university has a reputation for having solid programs in Criminal Justice and Biology. If you're interested in these disciplines, Bethune-Cookman might be a particularly good fit.

Regarding the academic environment, Bethune-Cookman tends to foster an atmosphere where faculty are dedicated to student success. Students often highlight the supportive nature of the faculty and the sense of community within the university. Peer collaboration and small class sizes are a norm, which often leads to strong relationships between students and faculty.

There's a strong emphasis on leadership, service, and ethical behavior which is instilled through curricular and extracurricular activities alike. This leads to a campus environment that's engaging, supportive, and service-oriented, geared towards developing well-rounded individuals ready to contribute to society.

Remember, it's always beneficial to get a firsthand experience of the campus and academic life if possible, so consider visiting or participating in a virtual tour or event if you haven't already!

3 months ago

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