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Ideal colleges for Computer Science in Illinois?

Hey there peeps, currently a junior hammering out my college list. Feels like Computer Science is my passion. I'm looking for colleges within Illinois primarily. Can you all please help by suggesting top colleges for Computer Science in Illinois? Also, any insights on how to evaluate these colleges would be super helpful. Thanks!

3 months ago

Hello! It's great to see that you're interested in Computer Science and working at defining your college list. In Illinois, you have some great choices such as the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), University of Chicago, and Northwestern University.

1. University of Chicago: The University of Chicago, while traditionally known for their humanities and social sciences, has a burgeoning Computer Science program. It offers students a very rigorous academic experience, plus the unique benefits of a smaller department within a large, top-tier research university.

2. Northwestern University: Located in Evanston, Northwestern has a strong Computer Science degree. Northwestern's program might be particularly appealing if you're interested in interdisciplinary study, as they put an emphasis on applying computer science to other fields.

3. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC): UIUC is one of the leaders in the field of Computer Science. It's well known for its strong curriculum, faculty, and research. If you're interested in participating in research as an undergrad or might be interested in getting involved with tech startups, UIUC would be a great option.

To evaluate these Computer Science programs, you can look at factors such as:

Strength of Program: Pay attention to faculty and courses in the areas you are most interested in. Some CS departments might be particularly strong in one area, like AI or data science, while others offer a more general curriculum.

Opportunities: Look for opportunities for internships, study abroad, undergraduate research - any feature of a program that stands out as being a good match for your interests and goals.

Alumni Success: Consider the success of graduates from the program, including job placement rates, average starting salaries, and companies where graduates often find placements.

Size and Focus: Consider the size of the program (universities might have larger departments with more course offerings, but a smaller college might provide more individual attention).

Remember, the right college for you will be one where you feel at home, where you feel excited about the opportunities, where you click with the faculty and students you meet. Take advantage of opportunities to visit campuses, including attending info sessions or open houses, to get a sense of each institution's vibe. If an on-campus visit isn't possible, check to see if the universities are providing any online resources like virtual tours or webinars. Good luck with your search!

3 months ago

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