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Future Writer Here: Is Pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing Worth It?

Hey all, I'm super passionate about storytelling and thinking about doing a major in creative writing in college. Are there any alums out there who did a Bachelor's in Creative Writing? I'm wondering if this major opens any doors for high-paying jobs, or if I would be better off choosing something more practical, like business or engineering, as my degree. I want to write, but I'm also worried about student loans and living expenses after college. Any insights?

3 months ago

It sounds like you're in the process of making some significant decisions regarding your educational and career paths - that's a big deal! Here's some perspective on your question about the benefits of a Bachelor's degree in Creative Writing.

While it's true that a degree in creative writing may not directly lead to a high-paying job right out of college, it does offer a wide range of skills that employers from various industries value. These skills include excellent written and verbal communication, critical thinking and analysis, research skills, and creativity, among others.

Personally writing for a living can vary with many options in fields such as journalism, content creation, editing, copywriting and even grant writing. Beyond that, with a bit of imagination and networking, your creative writing degree can also take you into advertising, public relations, or even the entertainment industry. Also, technical writing, which is writing and creating content for software companies, can also be lucrative.

While it's vital to consider monetary prospects, equally important is your level of interest and passion for your field of study, as these will be significant drivers of your success and job satisfaction. It's not unusual for creative writing majors to end up in fields outside of writing because their skills are transferable, and they often find joy in these other roles.

About the student loans and living expenses, it's always a good plan to review your financial situation, the cost of the education pathway you choose and the average expected salaries of the fields you're considering. This thought process will help you make a financially sound decision.

For instance, you can also consider double majoring or minoring in creative writing while pursuing a more 'practical' major or study creative writing and then graduate studies in another discipline. There's so much flexibility in higher education to tailor your studies to your strengths, interests, and goals.

Remember that no decision you make now is irreversible. Many people switch their majors or change their career paths entirely after graduation. That said, it's wise to be informed and ensure that your choices align with your long-term goals as much as possible.

I hope this helps, and best of luck with your decisions! Writing is a wonderful field, full of challenges and creativity, and if it's your passion, pursuing it in some way could be very rewarding for you.

3 months ago

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