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Shooting for Pre-Med: Best schools in Pennsylvania?

Hey guys, I'm just a little stuck here. Future doc hopefully and trying to find the best pre-med schools in good ol’ Pennsylvania. Not sure where to start and feeling a bit overwhelmed… any advice would be super helpful!

3 months ago

Hey there! Congrats on wanting to pursue a pre-med track—that's not an easy path, and it's awesome that you're up for the challenge. When we talk about Pennsylvania, there are quite a few schools that stand out for pre-med, but here are a few that come up often:

1. University of Pennsylvania: You might already know this, but UPenn is an Ivy League with a fantastic reputation across all disciplines, and its pre-med track is no exception. In particular, it has a great partnership with the Perelman School of Medicine, which is top-tier. The curriculum is rigorous and the resources are plentiful, so pre-med students at UPenn will be well supported and prepared.

2. Penn State University: Penn State has a strong science and health-focused curriculum with lots of opportunities for research, which is crucial for pre-med students. Their Eberly College of Science has a pre-medicine option that is designed for students who plan to attend medical school after their bachelor's degree.

3. Haverford College: This liberal arts college has a superb reputation for sending students to medical school. It offers thorough advising and resources for pre-med students, in addition to an emphasis on research and internship opportunities.

4. Bucknell University: Bucknell offers a Pre-health Professions Advising program, which is designed to help students interested in a variety of health professions, including medicine. This program allows students to understand, achieve, and articulate the professional competencies that medical and other health professional schools seek.

5. Lehigh University: Lehigh does not have a specific pre-med major, but their Health Professions Advisory Group provides guidance and support to all students interested in a health career - medicine included.

Take a more in-depth look at their programs, course offerings and advising opportunities. Consider the access to internships, research, and volunteering opportunities, too - these activities can make you a more attractive candidate when the time comes to apply to med school.

Also remember that the 'best' pre-med school also needs to match your personal fit factors, academic goals, and financial situation. Sometimes the best school for you might not be the best school for someone else. Pennsylvania is a great state with a variety of options, so don't limit yourself and thoroughly explore what each school has to offer!

3 months ago

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