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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What majors are popular at Bowdoin College?

I've been looking into Bowdoin and I'm interested in their programs. What are some of the most popular or highly ranked majors at Bowdoin College?

3 months ago

Bowdoin College is primarily known for its excellent undergraduate programs and commitment to liberal arts education. Some of the more popular majors are as follows:

- Economics: Bowdoin's economics program is one of its most popular. It provides students with a holistic understanding of economic principles, trends, and issues.

- Political Science and Government: This course offers students a comprehensive understanding of various political structures, policies, and international relations.

- Biology: Many Bowdoin students pursue an undergraduate major in biology, whether they plan to continue with graduate studies in the field, medical school, or another professional career.

- Environmental Science: With Bowdoin's location in Maine, environmental science is a draw for many students who are interested in understanding our planet and working towards sustainable solutions.

- English Language and Literature: Those interested in literary analysis and creative writing often find the English major's curriculum engaging.

In short, Bowdoin offers a wide range of options, and these are just a few of the most popular majors. Remember, it's important to select a major that you are genuinely interested in, rather than one just because it's popular.

3 months ago

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