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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What should I expect from the campus vibe at Boston University?

Hey everyone, I’m a junior and starting to really consider where I want to apply. Boston University is high on my list, but I honestly have no clue what the atmosphere is like. Can anyone elaborate on what the social scene and overall student vibe are like at BU? Any insights into the academic pressure or support from the uni would be awesome too!

a year ago

Hi! I totally get wanting to understand the culture of a college. My child is at BU, and they've shared a lot about their experiences.

BU has a vibrant, urban campus with a diverse and energetic student body. It's big enough that there's a niche for everyone, though it can feel a bit impersonal at times. With Boston being a college town, there's always something to do, and the social scene extends beyond the campus with plenty of city events.

Academically, BU is rigorous, but there are tons of resources like tutoring and office hours to help students. My kid has really appreciated the academic support services. They've mentioned the workload can be intense, but it's manageable with good time management. One thing they love is the emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and the opportunity to take a wide range of courses.

Hope this helps give you a sense of what BU is like!

a year ago

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