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Seeking Info about Admissions to MSU Denver

I've been seriously considering MSU Denver for a while now. Can anyone shed some light on the admission process? What are their key criteria, and how rigorous is the process overall?

3 months ago

MSU Denver, or Metropolitan State University of Denver, has an approachable admissions process compared to more selective universities. They operate on a rolling admissions basis, meaning that applications are reviewed as they arrive rather than after a hard deadline. This allows for flexibility when applying.

Key admissions criteria at MSU Denver include:

1. High School GPA: A competitive applicant generally has a 2.3 or higher high school GPA. Average GPA of admitted students, however, tends to be around a 3.0.

2. High School Curriculum: An applicant should have completed the required high school coursework for Colorado public institutions. This includes four years of English, four years of math, three years of natural/physical science, three years of social sciences, one year of foreign language and two years of academic electives.

3. Personal Statement: While MSU Denver doesn't require a personal statement for most applicants, it's a good way to let the admissions committee know about your motivations and experiences if you think your GPA might not fully represent your potential.

4. Residency: As a public institution, MSU Denver does consider state residency in their admissions and tuition policies.

As for rigor, MSU Denver is moderately selective with an acceptance rate around 64%. So while it isn't overly competitive, you should still ensure your application is well-rounded and reflects your academic capabilities and readiness for college. It's worth noting that certain programs, like their nursing program, have separate applications and additional admission requirements.

As always, it is crucial to double-check these criteria on the official school website as requirements and processes may vary year-by-year.

3 months ago

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