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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a GPA of 3.5 considered good in high school for college admissions?

I'm curious, would a 3.5 GPA be competitive for most colleges? I know it's not as high as a 4.0, but is it still considered 'good'? I'm thinking of how it stands for admissions and scholarships. Thoughts?

a year ago

Absolutely, a 3.5 GPA is considered good in high school and it can be competitive for many colleges. Indeed, it's not a perfect 4.0, but remember, colleges recognize that students are more than just numbers, and a 3.5 GPA shows that you've been generally successful in your coursework. Plus, different schools have different GPA averages for their admitted students, so a 3.5 could be well above average at some institutions.

For scholarships, it's a similar story—some are very competitive and may have higher GPA requirements, but there are plenty that consider a range of qualifications, including GPAs like yours. It's also worth mentioning that if your GPA is on the rise, colleges will take note of the upward trend. When you're ready to apply, it might be beneficial to focus on schools where your GPA is around the average or slightly below the average of admitted students to enhance your chances of not just admission but also scholarship opportunities.

a year ago

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