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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Milwaukee Colleges Worth Considering

Hey everyone! I'm trying to stay local for college (Milwaukee). What are some of the best colleges around here that I should be looking at?

3 months ago

Hello! Milwaukee has a few solid options depending on what you're looking for in college. Here are a couple to consider:

1. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: UWM is part of the well-regarded University of Wisconsin system and is known for research, ranking among the top 2% in the nation for research expenditures. They offer over 195 undergraduate programs, so you'll have a wide array of choices.

2. Marquette University: A private, Jesuit university located near downtown. Known for professional programs like business and health sciences. They also have a nationally recognized College of Engineering.

3. Milwaukee School of Engineering: If you're interested in STEM, particularly engineering, computer science, or nursing, MSOE is a fantastic choice. The college has strong links to industry for internships and co-op opportunities.

4. Alverno College: This is a women's college, and it's known for its teaching methods which are focused on abilities that transcend disciplines, like communication and problem-solving.

Each of these colleges has a different feel, so it would be worth taking a closer look at the ones that interest you. It's important to consider factors such as size, student-faculty ratio, financial aid, and academic strengths in relation to your interests and future goals.

3 months ago

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