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SAT: 720 math
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Arizona Colleges Recommendation

Hi folks! I'm looking into attending college in Arizona. Does anyone have recommendations for schools in Arizona? I'm interested in the sciences, if that helps narrow it down.

3 months ago

Certainly! Given your interest in the sciences, two notable schools in Arizona come to mind: The University of Arizona (UA) and Arizona State University (ASU).

UA is known for its strong programs in sciences. In particular, its astronomy and planetary sciences programs stand out on a national level. It's also home to the Biosphere 2, a unique environmental research facility, which could offer some exciting research opportunities if you're interested in environmental or earth sciences.

ASU, on the other hand, is one of the largest public universities by enrollment in the U.S. It’s also the home of the renowned Biodesign Institute, a significant research center that's made breakthroughs in health, sustainability, and security. ASU also has a strong biological science program for undergraduate students.

Both universities offer a broad range of science disciplines to study and have numerous research opportunities for undergraduates. It might be worth considering which specific branch of science you're most interested in, as that might sway your choice between the two.

Do take a look at their websites for detailed program descriptions and consider visiting the campuses if you can, to get a feel for the atmosphere and culture of each place – they certainly have their own unique vibe. Good luck in your search!

3 months ago

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