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What are the popular majors at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo?

Hey all, I'm considering applying to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo for my undergrad studies and I'm curious about their major offerings. Could anybody give me a rundown of which majors are the most popular and well-regarded at Cal Poly SLO?

3 months ago

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is a university that has some highly recognized programs and majors among its offerings. These programs are designed to provide a solid foundation for students, setting them up for a successful future. The school is divided into six colleges, all of which contribute different high-ranking and popular majors.

One of the most popular majors at Cal Poly SLO is Business Administration, offered through the Orfalea College of Business. This major stands out for its hands-on learn-by-doing approach, offering concentrations from finance and marketing to information systems and entrepreneurship.

In addition to this, the College of Engineering is another strong draw for students with several well-established and highly regarded majors, such as Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Computer Science. These majors are known for their intensive curriculums that offer experiential learning opportunities.

Architecture, offered through the College of Architecture and Environmental Design, is another notable and popular major at Cal Poly SLO. The program consistently ranks high nationally and is known for its immersive and challenging curriculum.

Then there's the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences, which is very popular for majors such as Agricultural Business and Environmental Management and Protection. These programs attract students interested in sustainable agriculture and environmental sciences.

Lastly, the Liberal Arts department is another notable college at Cal Poly SLO, famously for its Communication Studies and Graphic Communication programs.

The other two colleges, the College of Science & Mathematics and the College of Liberal Arts, also have strong programs, although perhaps they don't garner the same level of popularity as those mentioned above. When considering your options, it's crucial to think about your interests, career aspirations, and personal academic strengths when choosing a major.

3 months ago

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