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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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College Search: Universities in Bend, Oregon?

Hello everyone! I've always loved Bend, Oregon and would be thrilled to spend my college years there. Could anyone provide some insight on universities situated in or around Bend?

3 months ago

Sure, happy to elaborate on the higher education options in or around Bend, Oregon.

Oregon State University Cascades (OSU-Cascades) is the only 4-year university located directly in Bend, Oregon. This is a branch campus of Oregon State University. As of the most recent data, OSU-Cascades has a slightly smaller campus environment, enrolling just over 1,200 students. This lends itself to a more personalized learning experience with more direct interaction with faculty. The programs offered range from computer science to tourism, recreation, and adventure leadership, so there's a wide variety of fields to explore.

If you're open to community colleges, Central Oregon Community College (COCC) also has its main campus located in Bend. They offer professional technical programs and the opportunity to transfer to a 4-year university, including OSU-Cascades, after 2 years.

If you're hoping to have options slightly outside of Bend, there are also quite a few universities within an hour or two drive, including University of Oregon and Oregon State University's primary campus.

I hope this helps guide your search!

3 months ago

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