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Need info on Chemeketa in Salem, Oregon.

Hey guys, I've been looking at Chemeketa in Salem, Oregon recently but I'm finding it hard to get detailed info about it online. Anyone have details about the college, its programs, or campus culture perhaps?

3 months ago

Absolutely, happy to share some insights about Chemeketa Community College. It's a community college located in Salem, Oregon, and named after the Chemeketa band of Kalapuya who traditionally lived in that area.

Academically speaking, Chemeketa offers a wide range of programs. This includes transfer degrees to four-year colleges, career and technical education, foundational skills courses, and even multiple degrees online. Popular majors at the school include Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Business, and Health Professions.

In terms of campus culture, Chemeketa is known for its supportive and inclusive learning environment. It has a diverse student body and caters to a variety of interests and backgrounds. The college is also known to provide additional support for underrepresented students with programs like TRIO or Chemeketa Completion Program.

There's also a range of activities for students to participate in outside the classroom. They have a student-run newspaper, a variety of clubs like the anime club, chess club and fitness club, and even offer intramural sports like basketball and volleyball.

Don't just take my word for it though, and consider reaching out directly to the school or potentially current students for a firsthand perspective if you can!

3 months ago

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