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Is going to university in Lake Charles, LA a good idea?

I have a few universities in Lake Charles, Louisiana, on my radar. Before I make any decisions, I'd love to get some perspectives from students who have gone to school there. What's the experience like, and would you recommend it?

3 months ago

Absolutely, it's important to consider the environment and student life when considering colleges or universities, as they can significantly influence your academic experience and overall well-being. While I can't speak from personal experience, I can share some general views from students who have studied in Lake Charles, LA.

Lake Charles has a smaller town feel, which can create a close-knit community environment. Many students appreciate this aspect as they can get to know their classmates more personally than in larger cities. Additionally, due to its location in the south, the weather is typically warm and allows for plenty of outdoor activities.

As for the universities located in Lake Charles, McNeese State University comes to mind. It's known for its strong programs in Business, Education, Engineering, Nursing, and Visual and Performing Arts. Additionally, it has quite robust support systems for students. Most students felt they received a quality education, and appreciated the effort professors made to make themselves available outside of class.

However, like any location, there are drawbacks as well. Some students have noted that Lake Charles has fewer activities and career opportunities compared to bigger cities. That being said, commuting to nearby cities like Houston, Texas for internships and job opportunities can be feasible if you have access to a car.

In short, whether Lake Charles, Louisiana is a good fit for you depends on your personal preferences and academic/career goals. It's a good idea to visit the school, talk with current students or alumni, and do some research on the opportunities in your field of interest in the area before making your decision.

Keep in mind, it's about finding the right balance that suits your academic, social, and personal needs. I hope this perspective helps!

3 months ago

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