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College Recommendation Letters – How do they work?

I'm kind of stuck when it comes to college recommendation letters. I don't know the first thing about who to ask, when, or what they should include. Can anyone shed some light on this part of the application process?

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to break it down for you. Recommendation letters are used by colleges to understand more about you from the perspective of someone who knows you in an academic or professional setting. Here's a general outline:

1. Who to ask: Ideally, you'll want to ask teachers who have taught you in core academic subjects during your junior or senior years of high school and who know you well. They can comment not only on your academic abilities but also on your personal qualities. If applicable to the college application, also consider a counselor recommendation letter and one from a mentor from an extracurricular activity.

2. What they should include: A recommendation letter should offer insights into your intellectual curiosity, commitment to learning, leadership capabilities, interaction with classmates, contribution to class, etc. It's not just about your academic abilities but also important character traits like resilience, empathy, kindness, etc. If you've made significant contributions to an extracurricular activity, your mentor can shed light on your leadership, teamwork, and passion.

3. When to ask: To ensure your recommenders have ample time to write a thoughtful letter, consider asking them at the end of your junior year or very early in your senior year. You should definitely ask at least 1-2 months prior to your application deadline.

4. How to ask: It's best to ask in person if possible. Frame your request politely, indicating why you feel they might be a good source of a recommendation (perhaps you've enjoyed their class or worked closely with them). Always give them a way to decline politely if they feel they can't deliver a strong recommendation.

5. What you need to give them: Provide them with a 'brag sheet' that includes your academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and any awards or recognitions you've received. Also, remind them of any memorable interactions they've had with you or significant contributions you've made in their class or activity.

6. After the letter: Always send a thank you note to your recommenders acknowledging their time and effort. Also, remember to keep them posted about your college decisions. It shows you appreciate their support.

Remember, your recommenders are there to help colleges get a clearer picture of you beyond the grades and scores. So, it's key to choose those who can provide thoughtful insights about you as a student and person. Good luck!

3 months ago

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