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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Impact of a 3.4 College GPA?

Hi! I currently have a 3.4 GPA at my college and I'm wondering how this might impact my opportunities after graduation. Does anyone know what the general consensus or implications of having a 3.4 university GPA might be?

3 months ago

A 3.4 GPA in college is generally considered a good grade point average, just above a B+ average. How it affects your post-graduation opportunities really depends on the field you're interested in and your individual situation.

In many fields, employers don't place a significant emphasis on GPA. They often care more about the skills you've acquired, your work ethic, internships or related work experience, and how well you present yourself in an interview. Certainly, having a strong GPA can be a plus, but it's just one of many factors employers consider. Practical experience and applicable skills can often outweigh GPA.

However, if you're planning on pursuing further education like a master's program or law/medical school after your bachelor's, a higher GPA could be more necessary. These institutions tend to place more emphasis on academic success. But keep in mind they also consider other factors such as entrance exam scores (like the GRE, LSAT, MCAT), recommendation letters, and your personal statement or essays.

It's also interesting to note that certain competitive industries or companies (like some consulting or investment banking firms) set GPA cut-offs for their applicants, though this varies widely.

So, while a 3.4 GPA will not hamper you in most situations, you can speak with a career counselor or academic advisor at your school to understand what the expectations might be within your specific field of interest. It's also a good idea to add more to your profile (like internships, part-time jobs, volunteer experience) to round out your application.

3 months ago

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