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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Estimating Possibilities with a 3.2 Weighted GPA

Does anyone have insights for a rising junior stressing out about a 3.2 weighted GPA? Like, what kind of schools could I potentially be looking at and how does this affect scholarships?

3 months ago

A 3.2 weighted GPA is actually not as limiting as you might think. While it might not provide direct access to extremely selective colleges, there are still numerous quality institutions where you would be a competitive candidate. Some colleges really appreciate growth and improvement; so if your GPA has improved over the years, that can make a positive impact.

For example, you might consider schools that have an average GPA around the 3.2 range. These institutions offer a variety of majors and opportunities for students. Remember, the right fit matters more than prestige!

Regarding scholarships, many of them do have GPA requirements. Merit scholarships often require a higher GPA, but don't let that discourage you. There are scholarships based on qualities aside from academics. These could be based on community service, leadership, overcoming adversity, or specific hobbies and interests. Always be looking out for local scholarships too, as these tend to be less competitive than national ones.

In terms of financial aid, remember to complete the FAFSA to maximize your eligibility for federal and state financial aid, regardless of your GPA.

Lastly, consider using your essays and letters of recommendation to showcase your strengths beyond your academic performance. Your GPA is just one part of your application. Holistically, your experiences, your role in your community, and your personal attributes are just as important. Remember to use your application to paint a complete picture of who you are.

3 months ago

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