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What's the deal with Berea College costs?

I've been hearing that Berea College is supposedly super affordable. Can someone shed some light on this? What's the catch? Thanks!

3 months ago

Berea College in Kentucky is indeed very unique in its approach to college tuition. It is the only college in the United States that gives 100% of admitted domestic students a No-Tuition Promise. This means that every admitted student essentially receives a full-tuition scholarship. However, this doesn't equate to a completely free college education.

Normally, the full tuition scholarship at Berea is worth nearly $45,000 per year. This does not, however, cover costs such as room, board, and other fees. That being said, these other costs are kept quite affordable, with the aim being to ensure that students graduate debt-free.

The "catch", if you can call it that, is that Berea College commits to only admitting students with limited economic resources. This school’s mission is to help academically capable and motivated students who have very low incomes, ensuring they receive a high-quality education.

Additionally, as a part of the college's commitment to "learning, labor, and service", every student is expected to work a minimum of 10 hours per week in campus and service jobs as part of their educational experience. Through this, students gain valuable experience, skills, and form connections that may help them post-graduation.

In short, if you fit within the demographic Berea College serves, their tuition promise can indeed make higher education extremely affordable. But it does involve a commitment both to work-study and to the mission and ethos of the college.

3 months ago

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