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What's the most beginner-friendly military workout?

Hey guys, I'm kinda intrigued by the discipline and structure of military life and I've been thinking about starting the military-style workouts too. Has anyone tried a military workout that's easy for a newbie?

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are several military-inspired workouts tailored for beginners that you can try to get a taste of the rigorous physical conditioning involved in the military.

A simple workout consists of three to four sets of exercises comprising pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and running. Keeping it simple yet repetitive is key here. Try this:

1. Pull-Ups: Start with just a couple of pull-ups to begin with (or assisted pull-ups if you're struggling). Aim for 3 to 5 pull-ups per set.

2. Push-Ups: Starting with 10 push-ups per set can be a good target.

3. Squats: 15 to 20 bodyweight squats are a good range per set.

4. Running: After the exercises, try running a half mile at a moderate pace.

Remember, the key to beginning a fitness regimen is consistency, and military-style workouts are no exception. Start with what you can handle, focus on having correct form and gradually scale up the intensity and volume. Always remember to stretch properly before each set, and cool down after your workout. It's always recommended to check-in with a fitness professional or doctor before starting a new workout plan, especially if you have any health concerns or pre-existing physical conditions.

3 months ago

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