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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

The location for Wofford College

Hey, I am interested in Wofford College but I'm unsure about where it's located and what the area around it looks like. I thought someone here might know. Can you help out?

3 months ago

Wofford College is located in Spartanburg, South Carolina, in the southeastern United States. Spartanburg is a small but vibrant city, with a number of cultural, dining, and recreational opportunities making it a great place for students.

The college's campus is a nationally registered arboretum, boasting picturesque greenery and historic architecture. It's nestled in the heart of Spartanburg, so you're not far from the city center and its shops, restaurants, and assorted amenities.

To give a sense of place, Spartanburg is an approximate three-hour drive from Atlanta, Georgia, and two hours from Charlotte, North Carolina, making it accessible to larger urban hubs. The college is also in close proximity to the Blue Ridge Mountains, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities and exploration.

Remember to visit a college campus (if you can) for yourself to get a true feel for the environment! Virtual tours and college websites can also be excellent resources if an in-person visit isn't feasible.

3 months ago

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