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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Meaning of a 1220 SAT Score Percentile?

Hey, I've recently received my SAT scores and landed with a 1220. Not too bad but I'm kinda fuzzy on the whole percentile thing. Can anyone break down what a 1220 score percentile means? How do colleges interpret it?

3 months ago

A SAT score of 1220 puts you roughly in the 75th percentile, indicating that you've scored higher than about 75% of all test takers. The percentile ranking is a useful piece of data that gives you an understanding of how you competed against all of the students who took the same test nationally.

When you hear something like "you're in the 75th percentile," it essentially means that out of 100 people who took the same test, you scored better than 75 of them. It’s a way of comparing performance among a large group.

Colleges use percentiles along with your actual scores and other elements of your academic profile to see how you stack up against their typical admitted students. However, you should remember that while a good SAT score and percentile can boost your application, colleges often take a holistic approach to reviewing applications. This means they also consider your grades, course rigor, extracurricular involvement, and other components of your application along with your test score and percentile.

For example, if your score of 1220 puts you squarely in the middle of the score range for admitted students at a certain college, you can be fairly confident that your SAT score won't be a barrier for admission. Conversely, if your score is below or close to the 25th percentile, or well below the average range of admitted students' scores, that specific college might be a reach for you (but it doesn't mean admission is impossible). However, do keep in mind that test-optional policies may still be in play for some schools, so the weight of SAT scores can vary from school to school.

In addition, as of Spring 2024, the SAT is completely digital and its format has slightly changed. That also might affect how colleges look at the percentiles and scores.

Keep persevering, and remember: one test score does not define your entire academic potential!

3 months ago

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