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Experiences Inside UMES - University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD

I'm in the early stages of college application and curious about this school. Can anyone share their experiences studying at UMES in Princess Anne, MD?

3 months ago

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) offers a variety of unique academic and social experiences that could fulfill your college expectations. The student body is diverse, which creates an atmosphere where you'll be exposed to different cultures and perspectives.

UMES offers a variety of majors like Business, Criminal Justice, and Engineering along with unique programs like their well-regarded PGA Golf Management program, one of the few in the country.

While it's a relatively small school with a student body of less than 3,000, there's plenty of ways to get involved on campus. The student engagement is high, with numerous student clubs and organizations to join, like the squad, marching band, or the animation club. They also host various events on campus such as homecoming, spring fling, and the Manokin River Fest which add variety to the social scene.

On the academic side, the school maintains a low student to teacher ratio, which could mean more personal and comprehensive instruction from your professors. Plus, UMES is known for its supportive faculty who are actively engaged in research, so there's a good chance you could get involved in research as well.

Another thing to note is that UMES has a large number of commuter students, so campus tends to be quieter on the weekends compared to colleges with more resident students. If you're looking for a rambunctious social scene every weekend, you might not find it here without some effort.

Also, UMES is in a rural location, which could be a pro or a con depending on your personal preference. On the one hand, the rural surroundings can provide a calm, focused environment. But on the other, it might limit the number of possible off-campus activities compared to an urban college. However, there are bus routes to nearby cities like Ocean City and Salisbury if you are ever in need of an occasional city break.

Remember, everyone's experience is unique and it's always a good idea to schedule a visit if you can. This will give you a chance to judge the campus, the atmosphere, and the surrounding area for yourself.

3 months ago

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