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Easy to Obtain Degrees for Military

Hi all, I've been exploring the educational opportunities provided by the military. I wanted to know what are some of the easiest degrees that military personnel often pursue. I’m mainly concerned about balancing military commitments & education. Any suggestions?

3 months ago

When considering an educational path while serving in the military, it's essential to consider degrees that are both feasible to complete with a military schedule and advantageous to your military and post-military career.

Many military personnel choose degrees that align with their military occupational specialty (MOS) due to overlaps in skills and knowledge, which could make the degree easier to pursue. Here are a few common degree fields among military members:

1. Business Administration: A degree in business administration is broad and versatile, serving many roles in the military and beyond. The coursework often includes economics, management principles, and organizational behavior, which can be applied in various settings.

2. Criminal Justice: Especially pertinent for those interested in military police roles or thinking of a post-service career in law enforcement.

3. Health Sciences: For those medical-based MOSs, a degree in health sciences can translate their skills and experiences into the civilian medical field.

4. IT and Cybersecurity: As technology continues to grow in importance, so does the demand for IT and cybersecurity professionals. Military personnel often have exposure to these fields, making this a practical degree choice.

5. Engineering: Particularly relevant for occupations related to infrastructure, logistics, and maintenance.

However, the "easiness" of any degree is quite subjective. It can depend on your existing knowledge, aptitude for the material, and available resources for support while studying. It's key to balance your academic and service commitments. To that end, many military-friendly schools offer flexible programs (including online options) that take military schedules into account.

Remember, choosing a degree should not be solely about what is easiest, but what can best support your career goals and interests.

3 months ago

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