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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What's the deal with 'The Forum at Columbia University'?

Could someone give me some clarification about 'The Forum' at Columbia University? Looks like it's a venue for various events and discussions, but I want to know more about the kind of events that occur there and how it contributes to student life. Thanks!

3 months ago

The Forum at Columbia University is indeed a multipurpose venue which, as part of its mission, aims to foster the exchange of ideas and explore the important issues of our time. It is the third and newest building on Columbia’s Manhattanville campus, aimed at fostering academic and civic discourse.

To give you an idea of the kind of events that take place there, The Forum often hosts seminars, conferences, and symposiums organized by various academic departments within Columbia. This could range from discussions on current geopolitical issues to debates regarding advancements in fields such as medicine, social sciences or literature. In addition to academic events, it also hosts public discussions, exhibitions, and community outreach programs.

As for how The Forum contributes to student life, it gives students the opportunity to interact with professionals and experts from various fields. This not only provides unique learning opportunities beyond the classroom but also allows for extensive networking. Additionally, the wide array of topics discussed at these events cater to a diverse range of interests, ensuring that there's something for every student. Students can attend events, participate in discussions, and often help organize these activities.

However, keep in mind that while The Forum does organize events for campus life, it should not be confused with student union or typical student activity centers. Its main focus is on supporting the intellectual, social, and cultural vibrancy of the University and the community at large.

3 months ago

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