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How much does a semester at Clark Atlanta University cost?

Hi everyone! I'm interested in Clark Atlanta University, but I'm not sure I totally understand their fee structure. Can someone tell me more about the cost per semester at this university? Thanks!

3 months ago

Sure, I can definitely help you understand the fee structure at Clark Atlanta University. Please note that the costs I mention are from the 2023-2024 academic year and may vary from year to year. Generally, you can expect them to be as follows:

For undergraduate students studying full-time (12 to 18 credits), the tuition is about $11,742 per semester, making it around $23,484 for the entire academic year. Please note that this is only the tuition fee, and doesn’t include other costs and fees.

Most students also need to consider room and board, which can be an additional cost. If you plan on living on campus, the housing cost ranges from about $3,600 to $5,700 per semester depending on the type of housing unit you choose. Meal plans range from approximately $1,000 to $2,000 per semester based on the chosen plan.

There are also a few additional fees you might need to consider. For instance, there's a student activity fee of $150 per semester. This fee covers costs associated with student activities, technology, and other campus services.

Remember, your exact costs might be slightly different depending on factors like your housing choice, meal plan, and course load. It's also important to note that financial aid can significantly reduce these costs, so I'd suggest checking out Clark Atlanta's financial aid office for more information on scholarships, grants, and other forms of aid!

3 months ago

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