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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Impact of AP Test Scores—How Closely do Colleges Look?

Hey! I've always thought that AP test scores were a part of the admissions decision process. Is this actually true? How closely do colleges look at AP scores when making their decisions? Thanks for the help!

3 months ago

Hello! While AP scores can showcase your academic ability, the truth is they aren't given as much weight in the college admissions process as you might think. The reason being is that AP scores are typically self-reported on applications, meaning colleges understand that they might not be entirely accurate.

However, that's not to say they're irrelevant. Good scores (generally 4s and 5s) can highlight your proficiency in specific subjects and your ability to handle rigorous coursework—both positive points in your favor.

Do keep in mind though, that it's the AP classes themselves that matter more. Colleges attach far more importance to the fact that you've chosen to challenge yourself with these classes, and they pay close attention to how you perform in them academically (i.e., your actual course grades). In essence, these rigorous courses can demonstrate your willingness to take on challenging material, which colleges like to see.

Yet, an important note to keep in mind is that every institution uses a different admissions methodology. While one school might consider AP scores more seriously, others might not at all.

So, while good AP scores can surely boost your application, they do not overwhelmingly impact the college admissions decisions. Continually focus on your overall academic performance, taking difficult classes, and doing well in them. It's this demonstrated consistency that can really distinguish your application.

3 months ago

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