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Ranking the intensity of military training: Who takes the top spot?

Hey everyone! I'm a high school rising junior mulling over the idea of joining the military. I'd love to know, among all the U.S. military branches, which ones are considered to have the hardest training programs, ranked. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

Hello! Considering the military is a big decision, so it's great that you're curious about the intensity of various training programs.

It's a bit tricky to rank them in terms of intensity because each branch of the military has a different focus and training programs specific to their missions. However, here 'intensity' can be generally defined by physical demands and mental toughness required.

1. Marine Corps: Many believe the Marine Corps Basic Recruit Training (also known as boot camp) to be the most physically and mentally challenging in the U.S. military. It is 12 weeks long and is designed to transform recruits from civilians into Marines. The training is rigorous, includes martial arts, intense physical conditioning and academics.

2. Army: The Army's Basic Combat Training is 10 weeks long and includes a focus on physical fitness, weapon handling, and battlefield operations. The Army also has a number of specialist schools, such as Ranger School and Special Forces training, which are extremely challenging.

3. Navy SEALs: While the overall Navy Basic Training is intensive, the SEAL training (BUD/S) is known as one of the toughest individual training programs within any branch of the US military. SEAL candidates must complete a grueling 10-week initial program that pushes them to their physical and mental limits.

4. Air Force: The Air Force's Basic Military Training is about 8.5 weeks long and, while it does involve physical conditioning, it also places a strong emphasis on academics, drill and ceremony marches, and core values. The Pararescue and Combat Control training programs within Air Force are quite challenging.

5. Coast Guard: The Coast Guard's Basic Training is 8 weeks long and is also physically and mentally challenging, with a focus on practical safety drills, seamanship skills, firearms training, and team building.

6. Space Force: As the newest branch of the military, training programs for the Space Force are still being developed. However, it's safe to assume that the training will be rigorous, albeit more academically and technically oriented, rather than physically demanding.

Remember, all branches are challenging in their own way, and each branch's training is designed to prepare you for the specific duties you'll perform. Please consider what appeals to you most and aligns with your personal goals. Good luck with your decision making!

3 months ago

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