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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)


Yo! I've gotten acceptances from both CSUN and UCSB, and I'm kind of lost on which university to choose. If anyone here has had experiences with either (or both) of these schools, could you spill some tea?

3 months ago

Sure thing! Both California State University Northridge (CSUN) and University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) have their unique strengths and might appeal to different students.

UCSB is part of the UC system and tends to be more academically rigorous and research-focused. It's known for having strong programs in fields like physics, environmental studies, and sociology. UCSB has a beautiful campus right on the coast, so if you're a beach lover, you'll definitely enjoy the location. However, keep in mind that it is somewhat isolated and you would likely need a car to drive to nearby cities for amenities or entertainment. Also, due to its party school reputation, you'll want to consider whether the social atmosphere is a fit for you.

On the other hand, CSUN is part of the Cal State system which focuses more on practical application and teaching. It's particularly well-regarded for its programs in fields like cinema & television arts, music, and business administration. CSUN is located in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, giving you access to a large city with more job and internship opportunities, along with a variety of entertainment options.

In terms of cost, CSUN is generally less expensive than UCSB. However, schools in the UC system generally give out more financial aid compared to the Cal State schools, so you'll want to factor in any financial aid packages you received from both schools.

Ultimately, the decision will also depend on factors such as the importance of location, campus culture, and your intended major. Also consider what kind of social setting you're comfortable in and review any financial aid packages you may have received. It's all about where you think you'll thrive!

3 months ago

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