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Western Kentucky colleges, what are your thoughts?

Junior year's barely started and I'm already thinking about college... I'm from Kentucky and I've been looking into a few colleges in the western part of the state. Any insights or experiences to share?

3 months ago

If you're considering western Kentucky, two institutions that are often on students' radar are Western Kentucky University (WKU) and Murray State University.

Western Kentucky University is located in Bowling Green. They offer a diverse range of courses and have some particularly strong programs in journalism and broadcasting, education, and business. WKU also provides students with the unique opportunity to enhance learning through its Living Learning Communities where students living on campus can live among those studying similar areas of interest. This school is known for nurturing a very inclusive and welcoming community, which is great for those who prioritize a warm atmosphere.

Murray State University, located in Murray, offers a wide array of majors with noted strengths in areas such as music, agriculture, and teacher education. With its smaller student body, you might find that you have more access to one-on-one time with professors. Known for its strong community spirit and active campus life, Murray provides a number of recreational opportunities for students to get involved in. Their residential colleges also foster a tight-knit community among students.

When considering these schools, beyond academics, think about the kind of environment and community you want as this can greatly affect your college experience. It's also helpful to consider potential financial aid opportunities as well as their respective admission requirements.

Keep in mind, this is just a rough outline based on what each university promotes. Individual student experience can vary. If possible, try visiting or taking a virtual tour, reaching out to alumni or current students, or talking to your school counselor for more personalized insights. Good luck with your college journey!

3 months ago

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