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Looking for Top Engineering Schools in New York

I'm currently a junior looking at colleges to apply to next year. I'm interested in engineering but would love to stay in New York. What are some of the best engineering schools in NY?

3 months ago

There are several top engineering schools in New York State!

Starting off with the Ivy League, Cornell University in Ithaca has a particularly strong College of Engineering which offers both undergraduate and graduate programs. It's highly ranked nationally for several engineering disciplines.

Columbia University in New York City also houses the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. Particularly its biomedical and industrial engineering programs are well known.

If you're open to specialized institutions, Cooper Union in New York City is a noteworthy school. Its Albert Nerken School Of Engineering offers civil, chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineering, along with a general engineering program.

The New York University Tandon School of Engineering is another strong choice, located in Brooklyn. Its roots can be traced back to the founding of the NYU School of Civil Engineering and Architecture in 1854. Their research is strong in areas including 5G Wireless, Cybersecurity, and Data Science.

Finally, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy is another great choice for engineering, with strong focus on research and design.

Between these schools, there's a lot of variety in terms of size, location (upstate vs. NYC), culture, and focus, so you have several options to consider based on what best matches your preferences and interests. I'd recommend, if possible, visiting the campuses or at least doing virtual tours to get a sense of which environment you prefer. Also, evaluate each school's special programs, co-ops, or research opportunities within the engineering field you're most interested in.

3 months ago

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