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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on Carroll College, Montana?

So, Carroll College in Montana caught my eye recently. Given it’s rather isolated location, what's the student life like? Does anyone have experiences on campus they could share? Especially interested in how people fill their free time and if you ever felt 'cut-off'?

3 months ago

Carroll College, situated in Helena, Montana, is known for the strong sense of community on their campus. Being in a small city, students typically tend to stay on campus for activities, bonding over shared experiences resulting in a strong, tight-knit community.

As for student life, outside academia, students often engage in various extracurricular activities and participate in over 35 clubs and organizations including academic, social, and service groups such as the Anthrozoology Club or Engineers Without Borders. Students also have the opportunity to join or spectate in the quite competitive varsity sports scene at Carroll with successful programs in Cross Country, Track and Field, Football, and Soccer.

Concerning your worry about feeling 'cut-off', it's important to remember that the isolated location can be both a bane and a boon. Montana's natural beauty can make for an extraordinary living and learning environment. Many students enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, and fishing in nearby wilderness areas. The campus is also just a short drive from Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, both offering stunning scenery and plenty of adventure.

That being said, if you're someone who thrives in a bustling city environment with restaurants, theaters, and city nightlife, Carroll College's location might be a bit of a culture shock. However, the college does organize regular excursions and events for their students to ensure a wide variety of experiences. Luckily, downtown Helena is within walking distance and has plenty to offer in terms of local cafes, bookstores, and other small-city charms.

In summary, Carroll College offers a unique kind of student-life experience, wrapped around community engagement and taking advantage of the great outdoors. It really depends on personal preference whether you'd appreciate the opportunities available to you.

3 months ago

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