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SAT: 720 math
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Searching for Best Colleges in North Carolina

I'm a junior planning to attend college in my home state of North Carolina. Any recommendations on the best colleges in NC? I'm still undecided on my major, so I'm really open to all kinds of suggestions.

3 months ago

North Carolina is home to a number of great colleges and universities, so it depends a bit on what you're looking for in a school.

1. Duke University: Duke is a highly selective university known for its programs in law, business, and medical research. It's a great fit for students interested in research opportunities and rigorous academic programs.

2. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill): Known for its strong academics across a wide range of disciplines, UNC-Chapel Hill has a reputable undergraduate business program and a robust liberal arts curriculum. It is one of the top public universities in the U.S. and has a vibrant campus life.

3. North Carolina State University (NCSU): NCSU is a great choice for students interested in STEM fields, agriculture, and design. It has strong programs in engineering, statistics and veterinary medicine.

4. Wake Forest University: A smaller, private institution, Wake Forest has a strong liberal arts curriculum and notable Business and Law Schools. The student body size allows for more personalized attention from professors.

5. Davidson College: Davidson is a top liberal arts college with a low student-to-faculty ratio, facilitating close-knit relationships with professors. It's known for fostering a strong sense of community and having a program that offers financial aid packages without loans.

Remember that "best" is subjective, and you have many great options in North Carolina. Consider visiting each campus (if possible), exploring their programs and majors, and considering where you feel most comfortable, alongside academic reputation.

3 months ago

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