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Need Info on Tuition: What is the Cost for Barry College?

Hey everyone, I'm in the process of creating a financial plan and trying to calculate approximate costs for different college options. I'm considering Barry College and wondering if any of you have information about the typical annual tuition cost? It's hard to plan without a number in sight.

3 months ago

As of the 2024-2025 academic year, the annual tuition for undergraduate students at Barry College is approximately $33,600. This figure excludes miscellaneous and academic fees, as well as living expenses (room and board) which could add to the cost significantly.

Room and board, if you're planning to live on campus, can vary depending on the type of dormitory and meal plan you choose. It generally hovers around $13,000 per year.

Therefore, if you are a prospective resident student (living on campus) at Barry College, you can expect the total costs (tuition, room, and board) to be approximately $45,000 per academic year, excluding the cost of textbooks, personal expenses and transportation. Keep in mind that other fees and expenses might apply and could potentially increase your total out-of-pocket cost.

Please note, these fees are subject to increase each year, so consider that when making your financial plans. Also, you should take advantage of their net price calculator, which can give you an idea of what financial aid you may be eligible for, which would help reduce these costs. The amounts given are only approximations, and it's always best to reach out to Barry College directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

3 months ago

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