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University of Tampa Out of State Tuition Cost?

So I'm from California, looking into the University of Tampa. Just need some help figuring out how much the tuition would be for me as an out-of-state student. Anyone got info on this?

3 months ago

Certainly! It's crucial to have a handle on your potential costs for college. At the University of Tampa, tuition rates are the same whether you're an in-state or an out-of-state student, simplifying the matter. Tuition alone is approximately $32,000 per year. However, when you incorporate room and board, books and supplies, personal expenses, and additional fees, the total cost of attendance can rise to around $50,000 to $60,000 per year.

It's notable, though, that over 90% of entering students receive scholarship and/or grant aid which significantly reduces this cost. To estimate your net cost after financial aid, you can use the University of Tampa's Net Price Calculator on their website (https://collegenpc.com/UniversityofTampa). This will help you get a more accurate prediction tailored to your financial circumstances.

Remember, these are approximate rates and the actual amount may vary slightly. Always check directly with the university for their most current tuition pricing, and reach out to their financial aid office if you have any questions. They can offer valuable information about scholarship opportunities or work-study programs that might be available to you.

3 months ago

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