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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Buies Creek Campbell University a good choice?

So, I'm strongly considering Buies Creek Campbell University for next fall and would really appreciate if someone could share their experience. Academics, social life, opportunities, anything you think would help me out.

3 months ago

Campbell University has a unique appeal due to its balance of small-town charm, coupled with academic opportunities. Buies Creek is a small, peaceful community in North Carolina, which offers a close-knit environment and the chance for true engagement with fellow students and faculty.

In terms of academics, the faculty-to-student ratio is low which often results in personalized attention and the opportunity for real-time academic support. The university offers a variety of programs, but they are particularly known for their programs in health sciences, including pharmacy and physical therapy.

The university fosters a nurturing environment for personal and spiritual growth, aided by a strong focus on Christian values. From a social life perspective, the small community promotes strong connections among the students. However, this is not a large, bustling university, so if you're looking for big-time sporting events and a Greek life scene, it might not be the best fit.

There are a number of clubs and activities to get involved with, and the university offers service-learning opportunities that can be valuable for your personal and professional developments. If you're an outdoorsy-type, the Buies Creek region offers several opportunities for hiking, fishing, and exploring nature.

Overall, it's important to consider whether this particular environment and its offerings align with your personal preferences and what you're seeking in your college experience. Good luck with your decision!

3 months ago

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