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UNC Wilmington Admissions?

Hey guys, got a question about University of North Carolina Wilmington's admissions. What's the process like and what do they look for in applications? Any insight would be appreciated!

3 months ago

The admissions process at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) is handled through their online portal, where students submit their application along with all necessary supporting documents.

First, you need to submit your application via the Common Application or the CFNC application. You will need to include your academic transcript, which should show a rigorous course load including AP, IB, or Dual Enrollment classes if available at your school.

UNCW also requires an application fee of $80, which can even be waived for eligible students with demonstrated financial need.

For students applying for the 2025-2026 academic year, students with a weighted GPA of 2.8 or above are not required to submit a test score.

An important part of the UNCW application process are the essays. You will have to write a personal statement and answer UNCW's supplemental questions. It's crucial that these essays share more about you personally, giving the admissions committee a better glimpse of who you are outside of academics.

Finally, letters of recommendation are not required by UNCW, but you can submit them if you believe they will give the admissions committee more insight into your academic and personal strengths.

UNCW is a moderately selective school. The school evaluates applications holistically, focusing on academic preparation and performance, demonstrated interest, personal qualities, and fit with the university's culture and programs. They also place a lot of emphasis on coursework, meaning they want to see you have taken challenging classes in high school and performed well.

UNCW's students typically show a strong record of community involvement, leadership, and service as well. They value students who will enrich their campus community, and demonstrate a commitment to their chosen field of study. This can be exhibited through your extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or leadership roles.

Remember, being authentic and true to yourself throughout your application materials is crucial. Good luck with your application!

3 months ago

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