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SAT: 720 math
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UMass IT resources?

Hi, does UMass Amherst have good IT resources? I'm planning to study comp sci and I want to make sure that they have solid tech support and resources. Anyone got any info?

3 months ago

Definitely! UMass Amherst provides a range of IT resources for its students. For instance, the Information Technology (IT) department offers a variety of services, including:

1. Tech Support: They have a tech support center, UMass Amherst IT, that provides help with issues related to university IT resources. They can assist with software installation, troubleshoot connection problems, and even help with virus removal, among other things. The support is available via phone, email, and in-person.

2. Software: The University provides access to an array of software free or at steep discounts for students including programming languages, development tools, and other productivity software critical for computer science majors.

3. IT Training: UMass IT conducts a range of workshops and online training sessions on various topics, including software like Python, Java, and C++, data analysis tools like R and SQL, and more.

4. Access to computing facilities: This includes computer labs with up-to-date hardware and software, as well as remote access to these resources.

Remember, UMass Amherst hosts one of the largest collegiate hackathons in the world, HackUMass, which offers ample opportunities to put your computer science skills into practice and learn new ones while collaborating with peers and field experts. This is a testament to the quality of resources and infrastructure available at the university for tech enthusiasts!

That being said, it's always best to reach out to the university directly for specific details or updates on their IT resources.

3 months ago

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