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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insights on Bradley University?

Heard about Bradley University recently and it sparked my curiosity. Anyone with firsthand experience, or even secondhand, can you please share some info? Like how are the academics, social vibe, campus facilities so on. Thank you in advance!

3 months ago

Bradley University is a private, mid-sized institution located in Peoria, Illinois and is often best known for its programs in Engineering, Education, Business, and Health Sciences.

When it comes to the academic experience, Bradley maintains a student-to-faculty ratio of 12:1, which allows for smaller class sizes and personalized attention from professors. Students often rave about the hands-on learning experiences, especially in fields like Engineering, where laboratory work and co-op programs are integral parts of the curriculum. Bradley is also recognized for its Interactive Media program, which combines art, animation, and coding in the creation of interactive experiences.

As for the social climate, Bradley hosts more than 240 student organizations, so there's a lot of opportunities for you to get involved and meet other students who share your interests. The campus is close-knit, and the atmosphere is often described as friendly and supportive. Greek life is also present, but participation is not as prevalent as in some other colleges.

Bradley's campus facilities are commendable. The school has been investing heavily in renovating and upgrading its infrastructure over the last decade, with advancements such as the Business and Engineering Convergence Center opening in 2019. Fitness enthusiasts will appreciate the Markin Recreation Center, which offers a variety of recreational activities, from a rock-climbing wall to an aquatic center.

While Bradley might not be in a major city, its location in Peoria provides a suburban environment with access to plenty of shopping, dining, and entertainment options. However, it would be fair to say that it's a quieter environment compared to a bustling, big-city college atmosphere.

Overall, Bradley University seems to offer a solid education experience, with quality academics, a student-centric atmosphere, ample opportunities to get involved, and continually updated facilities. As always, you should try to virtually explore the school or visit if possible to better understand if it's a good fit for you.

3 months ago

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