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SAT: 720 math
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What are the 'Little Ivies'?

Hey all, I've heard the term 'Little Ivies' tossed around and I'm a little confused on what it means exactly. Are these schools comparable to the Ivy League universities, just smaller in size? Does anyone have more information about this?

3 months ago

The term "Little Ivies" generally refers to a group of small, extremely competitive private liberal arts colleges in the Northeastern United States, akin to the Ivy League universities in terms of academic rigor and prestige, but smaller in size. The term is often used informally, and the specific schools it encompasses can vary, but it usually refers to these colleges:

1. Amherst College

2. Bates College

3. Bowdoin College

4. Bucknell University

5. Colby College

6. Colgate University

7. Connecticut College

8. Hamilton College

9. Haverford College

10. Lafayette College

11. Middlebury College

12. Swarthmore College

13. Trinity College

14. Tufts University

15. Union College

16. Vassar College

17. Wesleyan University

18. Williams College

Similar to the Ivy Leagues, these colleges are known for their strong academic programs and highly selective admissions process. They also have a hefty price tag, although many offer generous financial aid.

However, as these are liberal arts colleges, they tend to be smaller, often with more personal attention given to students due to a lower student to faculty ratio. The programs tend to be more focused on undergraduate education, unlike research universities where much of the focus might be on graduate students and research.

These schools may be particularly attractive to students who prefer a smaller, more intimate learning environment, but who still want the academic rigor and prestige associated with Ivy League schools.

3 months ago

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