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Curious about the process at Lehigh: How do admissions work?

Hey! I'm thinking about applying to Lehigh University. Could anyone enlighten me about their admissions process? What factors do they consider and how competitive is it? A little stressed here, any help would be appreciated, thanks!

3 months ago

Sure thing! Lehigh University follows a holistic admissions process and they evaluate students based on different aspects such as academic, personal and extracurricular achievements. Your high school curriculum and grades are one of the most important factors. The rigor of your coursework in high schools plays a huge role. For instance, if you've been taking challenging AP or IB classes and performing well in those, it demonstrates academic preparedness for college-level work.

The SAT/ACT scores, for instance, are optional but if submitted, they would form part of the Academic Index, a value that represents the strength of a student’s grades, test scores, and class rank. Just note that you do not need to submit official score reports when you apply; you can self-report your scores on the application itself.

Your extracurricular activities, personal essays, and letters of recommendation are also significant. A high degree of involvement and leadership in a few select activities can illustrate your passions and commitment as well as your potential for contributing to the university community. If your extracurriculars make the top tiers, this could be greatly beneficial. Essays that reflect your unique experiences, passions, and perspective can help you stand out among thousands of applicants. Likewise, glowing letters of recommendation that attest to your character and skills can strengthen your application.

An interesting aspect of Lehigh University is that they do consider demonstrated interest, which means showing the college your authentic engagement with them. This can be shown by visiting campus or virtual meetings, attending Lehigh admissions events or information sessions and articulating a deep understanding of the university and how it aligns with your goals in your application.

As for your question on competitiveness, Lehigh University is quite selective, with an acceptance rate of 29% in recent years. This means that the admissions process can be challenging, but remember, your application will be considered in its entirety - not just based on one single factor. Hence, it's not just about grades and test scores; it demands a comprehensive, well-rounded portfolio.

Having said all this, remember to breathe and take it one step at a time. The admissions season can feel overwhelming, but with diligent work and perhaps some assistance, you can navigate it. Good luck with your application.

3 months ago

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